Kosrae Filipinos

This is the Photo Journal of the Filipinos on Kosrae, The Island of the Sleeping Lady, in the Federated States of Micronesia. Email: kosrae.aggie@gmail.com

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Birthday: Leo, Sterling, Ann & Cipriane

Birthday: Leo, Sterling, Ann & Cipriane

Birthday: Leo, Sterling, Ann & Cipriane

Birthday: Leo, Sterling, Ann & Cipriane

Birthday: Leo, Sterling, Ann & Cipriane

Bong and Edna (standing in for Cipriane), Cathy and Sterling, Doc Toy (standing in for Ann) and Leo with their cake

Birthday: Leo, Sterling, Ann & Cipriane

Birthday: Leo, Sterling, Ann & Cipriane

Birthday: Leo, Sterling, Ann & Cipriane

Birthday: Leo, Sterling, Ann & Cipriane

Leo with the ladies

Birthday: Leo, Sterling, Ann & Cipriane

Birthday cake for Ann Ocfemia, Leo Asiatico, Sterling Skilling and Cipriane Martinez

Friday, September 29, 2006

Eddie Demalata on a Visit from Pohnpei

Ed having dinner with Rhoda, Ted, Rosie, Nestor, Ana and Leandro

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Joey Oducado Visits from Pohnpei

Edgar, Frank, Cris and Leandro with Joey (Thumbs up for Milwaukee Beer!)

Joey Oducado Visits from Pohnpei

Joey Oducado Visits from Pohnpei

At the Awane Marine Park near the Lelu Causeway...

Lyle in Pohnpei

Justin and Bea Esteban with Tonet Oducado after pizza!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Roslyn Visits from Pohnpei

Roslyn Visits from Pohnpei

Roslyn Visits from Pohnpei

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Lyle in Pohnpei

Celebrating Josue Velasquez' birthday with a Chinese dinner at Harbor View with Elaine Velasquez (no relation to Josue) and Anna Liza Jacla.

Lyle in Pohnpei

A pleasant surprise in the harbor: the Greenpeace ship "Esperanza" was in port (good to see the ship where my sisters spent part of their time this year fighting mine pollution in Rapu-Rapu, Albay; and the oil spill in Guimaras)...

Lyle in Pohnpei

Sunday lunch at the Oducado's apartment: with COM-FSM (Pohnpei) colleagues and families: Lucy and Joey Oducado, Bert and Jenny Esteban, Dr Nelchor Permitez, and (my former UPLB professor) Dr Flor Javier with Raul Sr and Concon (Raul, Jr).

Lyle in Pohnpei

After a Sunday breakfast at South Park, overlooking the harbor and Sokeh's rock (with COM-FSM colleagues, Joey and Lucy (and Tonet) Oducado and Juvel Rempis.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Birthday Celebration: Caloy Soriano & Dr Roy Mallari

Birthday Celebration: Caloy Soriano & Dr Roy Mallari

Birthday Celebration: Caloy Soriano & Dr Roy Mallari

Birthday Celebration: Caloy Soriano & Dr Roy Mallari

Caloy and Mila...

Birthday Celebration: Caloy Soriano & Dr Roy Mallari

Larry, Joni, Gaspe, Manny, Chong and Andy

Birthday Celebration: Caloy Soriano & Dr Roy Mallari

Now, where is that goat caldereta and papaitan???

Birthday Celebration: Caloy Soriano & Dr Roy Mallari

Caloy with Gerry, Bong, Abner, Edgar, Doc Toy and Leo

Birthday Celebration: Caloy Soriano & Dr Roy Mallari

Doc Roy with the ladies of the night.

Birthday Celebration: Caloy Soriano & Dr Roy Mallari

The birthday boys share a handshake.

Birthday Celebration: Caloy Soriano & Dr Roy Mallari

Birthday boys and their cake...

Monday, September 18, 2006

Joel and Alida Navarra's Wedding (Legazpi City)

First dance... (photo courtesy of Bam Bahillo)

Joel and Alida Navarra's Wedding (Legazpi City)

(Photo courtesy of Dr Rolando Austria)

Joel and Alida Navarra's Wedding (Legazpi City)

Joel and Alida Navarra's Wedding (Legazpi City)

With the Austrias and the Bahillos before the ceremony.
(Photo courtesy of Dr Rolando Austria)

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Fred Jacla's 60th Birthday

Fred Jacla's 60th Birthday

Fred Jacla's 60th Birthday

Fred Jacla's 60th Birthday

Fred Jacla's 60th Birthday

Fred Jacla's 60th Birthday

Fred Jacla's 60th Birthday

Fred Jacla's 60th Birthday

Fred Jacla's 60th Birthday

Fred Jacla's 60th Birthday

Fred Jacla's 60th Birthday

Friday, September 15, 2006

Filipino Seamen of 'Kyowa Sylvia' Come Ashore

Filipino Seamen of 'Kyowa Sylvia' Come Ashore

Friday, September 08, 2006

Leandro Olano's Birthday

It was also Dr Lou Klitzkie's last night in Kosrae before flying home to Guam (BTW, her grandmother is an Untalan from San Carlos, Pangasinan who moved to Guam around the time of Apolinario Mabini.....)