Kosrae Filipinos

This is the Photo Journal of the Filipinos on Kosrae, The Island of the Sleeping Lady, in the Federated States of Micronesia. Email: kosrae.aggie@gmail.com

Friday, October 27, 2006

Badminton at Tofol

Badminton at Tofol

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Spending UN Day at Okat

Packing up...

Spending UN Day at Okat

All ashore! Time to go!

Spending UN Day at Okat

Denizens of the deep!

Spending UN Day at Okat

Before the swim: Michelle, Ana, Nestor, Rhoda and Lyle

Spending UN Day at Okat

Filling up before swimming!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Birthday: Nestor Acosta & Geirja Lulu

Richard and Doc Roy ham it up for the camera.

Birthday: Nestor Acosta & Geirja Lulu


Birthday: Nestor Acosta & Geirja Lulu

Nestor and Ana get the first dance of the night.

Birthday: Nestor Acosta & Geirja Lulu

Bong, Lyle and Leandro with the birthday boys.

Birthday: Nestor Acosta & Geirja Lulu

Blowing their candles (2 for Nestor, 12 (for Jigjig)

Birthday: Nestor Acosta & Geirja Lulu


Birthday: Nestor Acosta & Geirja Lulu

Manay Eleanor greets Nestor...

Birthday: Nestor Acosta & Geirja Lulu

Lyle leads the community in a prayer for the Nestor and Jigjig and their families.

Birthday: Nestor Acosta & Geirja Lulu

Jigjig with grandparents Evelyn and Joni Damayon

Birthday: Nestor Acosta & Geirja Lulu

Nestor and Ana

Birthday: Nestor Acosta & Geirja Lulu

Birthday boys, Jigjig and Nestor with Joni, Ana and Evelyn.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Preparing for Nestor's and Jigjig's Birthday

Preparing for Nestor's and Jigjig's Birthday